Public Liability Insurance - Training Consultants & Tutors

If you need advice, please call Liability Brokers: 1300 881 779


Number of Tutors / Trainers **

6 or more - Call our office or fill the form below

Proceed with Cover...

Visa    MasterCard

Cardholders Name

Credit Card No.

Select Expiration Date:

Option 2: Proceed with Cover but pay on Invoice

Please complete the form below together with a start Date.

Cover will be placed and a Tax Invoice will be emailed to you. Note: A Certicate of Currency cannot be issued until payment is made.

When do you want cover to start?

Processing is only done through business hours. Cover is not in place until this form is received and accepted by our office. We will then email you a tax invoice. NOTE: A "Certificate of Currency" will not be sent until payment is made.


Insured Details...

Insured Name:

Trading Name:

ABN No.(if applicable):

Full Address:

Email Address:

Website Address (if applicable):

Telephone No:

Occupation - Tutor

Type of tutoring will be provided? eg. languages

How many students are in a class?

Where are the classes held and how often?

Estimated annual fee income?


Manual Risk Exposure

This policy is not available for occupations that involve a manual risk exposure ie. if you are involved in performing manual labour or the supervision of manual tasks. This would include showing others how to perform manual works eg. how to lift goods.

Does your tutoring involve manual risk exposure?

Yes    No
ie. does your tutoring involve:
  • Manual labour or manual tasks performed by yourself
  • The supervision of manual labour or manual tasks performed by others
  • The responsibility of manual labour or manual tasks performed by others
  • The training of others on how to perform manual tasks


Do you employ contractors, sub-contractors?

Yes    No

Professional Indemnity

Do you provide any advice, design or professional service (other than instructions or warnings provided with a product), whether or not you charge for such advice, design or professional service.

Yes    No

If the answer is "Yes", you should apply for Professional Indemnity Insurance.

Do you want us to send you a form for Professional Indemnity Form?

Yes    No

Your History

Have you (or any person receiving cover under this policy) ever:
  • Had insurance cancelled or declined by an Insurer?
  • Had a proposal rejected, renewal refused or claim rejected by an Insurer?
  • Had any special conditions imposed?
  • Suffered a loss whether insured or not (last 5 years only)?
  • Been involved in a company that has declared bankruptcy or became insolvent?
  • Been charged or convicted for any criminal offence?

Yes    No

CAPTCHA Code: Type the above number:


By submitting this Declaration, the Applicant acknowledges:
  • they are authorised by each of the other Applicants to make this Declaration,
  • the contents of the Declaration are true and complete,
  • they are under a continuing obligation to immediately inform QBE of any change in the particulars or statements contained in this Declaration or in the accompanying documents up until the contract is entered into,
  • that no cover is in place until this form is accepted by the insurer

Name of person making this declaration:

Duty of Disclosure - What you must tell us
Under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (the Act), you have a Duty of Disclosure. You are required before you enter into, renew, vary, extend or reinstate your Policy, to tell us everything you know and that a reasonable person in the circumstances could be expected to know, is a matter that is relevant to our decision whether to insure you, and anyone else to be insured under the Policy, and if so, on what terms.
  • You do not have to tell us about any matter
  • that diminishes the risk
  • that is of common knowledge
  • that we know or should know in the ordinary course of our business as an insurer, or
  • which we indicate we do not want to know.
  • If you do not tell us
If you do not comply with your Duty of Disclosure we may reduce or refuse to pay a claim or cancel your Policy. If your non-disclosure is fraudulent we may treat this Policy as never having worked.